Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Speakers Too

originally performed with images by Martin Blažíček on 20/06/15 at the no.w.here tenth anniversary party, these versions recorded live and direct to drive 23/06/15, no fuss, no edits, no post-production, now on Bandcamp

Monday, 1 June 2015

"...as local as it gets..."

I'm very pleased to note two positive reviews of Collected Local Songs within a few days of each other.  The first by a singer/musician whose work I greatly admire (and one-time local), Sophie Cooper writing for Radio Free Midwitch 
"The songs are like perfect postcards picturing small details of everyday life seen through an appreciative eye."
and the second from local Deptford/New Cross blog Transpontine
"...an album that is as local as it gets..."
Thanks people!