Friday, 25 January 2019

Bastard Island Album Launch

3pm Sunday 10 February 2019
Linear Obsessional Live
The ArtsCafe
Manor Park
Hither Green
London SE13 5QZ
(directions here)
admission £5 donation

Songs from Bastard Island will be played.

Also performing will be:
Found Drowned (James O'Sullivan, Peter Marsh and Paul May)
Liz Helman
Paul Khimasia Morgan and Daniel Spicer 
Portia Winters

Bastard Island
Steven Ball

CD and download long player album
Linear Obsessional 2019 LOR120
available at:

Friday, 11 January 2019

Bastard Island

the weather is routinely 
no reliable reports 
set up the microphone 
time enough to prepare...

Bastard Island arrives as a collection of speculative fiction dispatches from spatio-temporally ambiguous elsewheres and elsewhens. These descriptive songs are fragmented and episodic crypto-narrative participant observations. They evoke disrupted temporal, meteorological, geographical, and seasonal conditions, and local and global social inertia. The songs inhabit ambient soundbeds redolent with spatial diffraction, signal refraction, small sounds, and distance communication.

A picnoleptic production in the English Asteroid series, written and recorded by Steven Ball, Summer 2018.

Linear Obsessional 2019 LOR120

CD and download long player album available from: