Sunday, 12 August 2007

Storm Bugs - Neither There Nor Here

1st September, Foundry, Shoreditch

Live for the first time in 25 years, Storm Bugs present an all-new show of audio-visual navigational circuit bending and dis-orienteering. All around the roundabout, up and down Shoreditch High Street, in and out the Foundry, where are you going and how did you get there? Eschewing expectations, not to mention glitchy abstraction or the hedonistic thrill of the feedback rush, Storm Bugs turn their attention to the here and the now-ness, the there and the then-ness, collapsing distance, time, direction and location into a question, a riddle, a conundrum.



great! finally....
expecting some fine voodles from the session.
are stormbugs on myspace yet?

Steven Ball said...

...but Sam you are our official documenter. WhoseSpace?

Steven Ball said...

But, my friend, I fear we have so little in common.

Dubdog said...

Would love to come but have two other engagements we've said yes to!!!!

Steven Ball said...

split the difference